When you apply, please answer the questions under - in a new topic. You might get more questions, but these are questions everyone will be asked, no matter what. If the questions below are not answered, we will just decline and close your application.
1. Please post a link to your profile so it is easy for us to see who you are.
2. Tell us a bit about yourself.
3. Are you a farm?
4. Are you currently in any conflicts?
5. Have you been in other alliances?
6. What Travian experience do you have?
7. What is your play style?
8. Do you consider yourself a team player?
9. If yes to the above, what is your definition of team play?
10. Why would you like to be in an alliance in the first place?
11. Why ©?
12. Do you know anyone in ©? If you do, who?
13. Anything else we should know? If so, what?